• Welcome Inegol Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK

İnegöl Furniture Industrial Zone

İnegöl Furniture Woodworking Specialized Organized Industrial Zone carries out its activities with the establishment protocol signed in accordance with the “245” registration number pursuant to the letter of the Ministry of Industry and Trade dated 11.05.2006 and numbered 4660 within the framework of the provisions of the Law No. 4562 on Organized Industrial Zones.

Inegöl furniture woodwork specialized Organized Industrial Zone as of 2019, 2 fire trucks have been purchased in our region, gendarmerie police station building and Fire Station construction works are continuing.

OSB Connection, which provides the link between İnegöl-Yenişehir State Highway and our OIZ, has completed improvement projects in order to provide better service and it will start to be built by the end of 2020.

As of the end of 2019, 69 companies are in production and 22 companies are in construction. 3600 people are employed in 67 operating firms.

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