• Welcome Inegol Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK

General Secretariat

The duties, responsibilities and authorities of Secretary General

To use the authorities delegated by the Board of Directors.

To organize and manage the administrative affairs, internal works and editorial office of the Chamber.
To draft the documents to be given by the chamber and to collect the information that will be the basis for the arrangement of these documents.
To prepare for the agenda of the organ meetings, to ensure that meeting invitations and agenda are sent to the members in a timely manner, to prepare the minutes of these meetings, to hold and sign the decision summaries, to keep the attendance schedules and attendance charts for the organ meetings, and to maintain decision books, decision summaries and records made with electronic devices for meetings.
Participating in the meetings of the Assembly and the Board of Directors provided not vote.
To follow and conclude the decisions taken by the organs. To ensure that the decisions are fulfilled on time.
To make suggestions to the Board of Directors regarding the employing, promotion, rewarding, punishment and dismissal of Chamber staff.
To supervise the work of the Chamber staff and to give the necessary orders and instructions to the staff
To submit the expenses made ex officio to the approval of the Board of Directors and to inform the Board of Directors about the weekly expenditures.
Preparing Monthly Trial Balance and Transfer requests, Preparing Preparation Budget, Income Statement, Final Trial Balance and submitting these to the Board of Directors
To ensure that the fixture and property records are organized and stored, to keep archive materials
To manage publication works
To prepare the draft Chamber Internal Directive and submit it to the Board of Directors
To make the necessary preparations for the arrangement of the annual report on the activities of the Chamber within one year and the economic and industrial situation of the region to be prepared by the Board of Directors to be submitted to the Assembly.
To carry out the procedures for keeping, updating and deleting member records within the framework of legislation and relevant organ decisions.

Contact of Secretary General:
Mr. Mustafa ŞENTÜRK – Secretary General
m.senturk@inegoltso.org.tr gsekreter@itso.org.tr
Tel: 0090 224 714 82 60 Ex:201 Fax: 0090 224 714 98 59

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